Jan 2, 2011

War Animals of All Time


War Animals of All Time

1. Bat Bombs

These nocturnal flying mammals became part of a bizarre animal experiment during World War II. A dental surgeon upset by the Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor proposed attaching tiny incendiary bombs to bats. The creatures were meant to set thousands of small blazes across Japan’s cities as they flew to roost beneath building roofs. But the idea floundered after receiving the green light from President Roosevelt.

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Many uncooperative bats simply dropped like rocks or flew away, despite the U.S. Army using as many as 6,000 of the mammals in their experiments. The U.S. Navy spent $2 million after taking over the effort, before finally giving up. Still, the bat bombs did manage to set fire to a simulated Japanese village, a U.S. Army hangar and a general’s car. Nowadays, Pentagon scientists study how bat flight mechanics could inspire future aircraft designs and spy robots.

2. Camel Cavalry

Camels only provide a few modern militaries with patrol mounts, but camel cavalry once flourished in certain regions of the world. Camels found much use in the arid or desert regions of North Africa and the Middle East during ancient times, given their ability to survive harsh and often waterless conditions.


The smell of camels reportedly frightened enemy horse cavalry, even if the camels did not provide as much of a shock to enemy troops during charges. The Parthian and Sassanid Persians sometimes armored their camels as heavy cataphract cavalry (picture camels equipped with armor, artillery and carrying cavalrymen), and Arab warriors often rode camels during raids against other tribes or during the Muslim conquests of North Africa and the Middle East. Camels fared less well outside their natural ranges, where horses became the preferred battle mount. The combat role of camels rapidly declined with the development of guns throughout the 1700s and 1800s, but they still saw some action with British general Lawrence of Arabia and Arab forces during World War I.

3. Angry Bees

Stinger-equipped bees could become effective weapons when provoked. The ancient Greeks, Romans and other civilizations occasionally used the insects as tiny weapons of war to deter enemy troops. Besiegers would sometimes catapult beehives over the walls, and Greek defenders of Themiscyra supposedly returned the favor by barraging Roman attackers with hives.


The Heptakometes of the Trebizond region in Turkey even tricked Roman soldiers under the command of Pompey with a tribute of toxic honey, which led to the defeat of the subsequently vomiting, intoxicated Romans. A more direct use of angry bees continued during castle sieges of the Middle Ages, as well as during World War I and the Vietnam War. These days, U.S. scientists have found more peaceful uses for bees by training the insects to detect land mines.

4. Sea Lion Patrol


California sea lions have gained odd fame in the service of the U.S. Navy’s marine mammal program, alongside dolphins and a beluga whale or two. The marine mammals have excellent low-light vision and underwater hearing, can swim 25 mph (40 km/h), and do repeated dives of up to 1,000 feet (300 m). The U.S. Navy has accordingly trained sea lions as minesweepers that can locate and mark mines. The animals can even attach a special leg cuff to human divers or saboteurs, which allows sailors to haul the suspects to the surface. A special sea lion harness also carries cameras that provide live underwater video. Just one sea lion, two human handlers, and a rubber boat can replace a full-sized naval vessel, its crew and a group of human divers in searching for objects on the ocean floor.

5. Messenger Pigeons


Carrier pigeons carried messages for conquerors and generals throughout much of human history, based on their homing ability and navigational skills that enable them to return home across hundreds of miles. But the pigeons gained much of the military fame during World War I, where Allied forces used as many as 200,000 of them. One pigeon named Cher Ami even earned the French “Croix de Guerre” for delivering 12 messages between forts in the Verdun, France region. He made his last message delivery despite suffering serious bullet injuries, and is credited with saving the “Lost Battalion” of the U.S. 77th Infantry Division, which had become cut off by German forces. Another group of 32 pigeons earned the British Dickin medal for animal valor during the D-Day invasion of World War II, when Allied soldiers kept radio silence and relied upon the pigeons to relay messages. The birds have since retired from military service because of advances in communications technology.

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