Feb 25, 2011

Obama The end of America, End of America 2011 Video

It is utterly amazing to hear Obama and Pelosi and other hate America radicals demonize capitalism and Republicans as the culprits of our present assumed financial crises. You would think that a person who has forever changed the way candidates campaign for office in this country by maximizing the effectiveness of the internet would be aware of the video everything and put it on YouTube era in which we live. There are literally hundreds of hours of tape showing Democrat after Democrat praise Mr. Raines and the soundness of Fannie Mae’s lending practices and overall operation procedures. Way back in 1999 a senate investigations was decried by the likes of Maxine Waters as nothing but a conservative witch-hunt based in racism to ultimately keep Mr. Raines and Fannie Mae from allowing low income (in many cases no-income) minorities to own their own home. Mr. Raines was indeed a tremendous example of fierce determination to reached desired lending goals, often with a, whatever it takes type of leadership. Even if the methods used were detrimental to the agency and the country.


Of course Franklin Raines received tremendous support and cover from congressional Democratic leadership and upon his resignation as director of Fannie Mae Mr. Raines left with around 90 million dollars. He is now a top advisor to Barack Hussein Obama and will most likely be Secretary of the Treasury in the Obama administration. It has recently become common knowledge that Fannie and Freddie operated more like a personal slush fund and a petty cash drawer for Democrats on Capitol Hill than any real lending institution.

I suppose I should apologize, it would be completely incorrect of me to indicate that Fannie and Freddie as an organization, was and is, evil. The rank and file employees of these agencies are good people doing good work and helping millions of deserving Americans. Its leadership and supporting cast of greedy opportunistic congressional democrats are the ones to sabotage the financial future of this country. Let’s think about this for a moment, socialism can only be successful as the savior and security of a desperate populace. A destruction of the dollar and devastation of the major American financial and banking institution would bring this country to its knees and level the worldwide playing field by ending our role as the last super power. The nationalization of banks and Wall Street will forever change the political landscape of America. With the all out assault on the constitution by Obama campaign thugs through police state style attacks on any legitimate criticism of Barack Obama and his political views; socialism has arrived. Come November, the enemy will have won and the great experiment will be over.

End of America 2011

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